Join EC
Are you interested in joining our Executive Committee?
Right now we are accepting applications to our 2023-2024 Executive Committee and we'd love to have you apply! Below you will find a description of roles and responsibilities of all the positions on EC.
Feel free to fill out the application here!
- Prepare agendas for and preside over Executive Committee meetings and send out minutes and follow-up tasks after meetings conclude
- Support Executive Committee officers in completing their reports and remind them of the applicable deadlines
- Submit applicable reports on behalf of other officers when there are vacancies or absences
- Submit the Chapter Activity Form in Zetabase to report chapter programming, meetings, and events continually throughout the year
- Submit the Service/Philanthropy Activity Form in Zetabase to report chapter service and philanthropy events continually throughout the year
- Submit the Alumnae Annual Report on Zetabase by April 1
- Submit proposed bylaws updates to the District President for approval on bylaws revision ears. Chapters should review bylaws at least every two years
- In partnership with the VP Finance, ensure the chapter remains in good financial standing and complies with federal tax exemption requirements
- Maintain a minimum of five officers on the Executive Committee (President, VP Programming, VP Membership, VP Finance, VP Communications) and fill vacancies if they occur
- The alumnae who fill these roles must be in good standing with the Fraternity and be dues-paying members of the alumnae chapter
- Ensure the chapter holds a minimum of five meetings each year, which may include business meetings, philanthropic/service activities or social events
- Ensure the chapter maintains membership of at least 10 alumnae
- Work closely with the chapter officers to set and achieve goals that align with Alumnae Crown Chapter criteria in a timely fashion
- Communicate regularly with the District President, providing updates and requesting guidance as needed
- Serve as a representative of the Fraternity, upholding The Mission of Zeta Tau Alpha as well as the organization’s brand, policies, purpose, and Creed
VP Programming:
- Serve as the right-hand woman of the President and, in her absence, assume the duties of the President
- In the absence of the VP Membership, assume the duties and responsibilities of that role
- Plan fun, enriching activities for members
- Promote attendance at all events by inviting members and partnering with the VP Communications to promote events on social media and through email
- Initiation communication and interaction between alumnae and collegiate members
- Coordinate Founder’s Day activities with a collegiate chapter
- Coordinate the Alumnae Initiation Service with a collegiate chapter
- Coordinate production and distribution of goody bags, cards, etc. for a collegiate chapter during their recruitment, midterms, finals, after big events, etc.
- Plan three activities per year with a collegiate chapter
- Plan activities to support local community projects and national service projects
- Coordinate chapter participation in events related to ZTA’s national partnerships, such as Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks or Crucial Catch games
- Develop a fundraising plan, including goals and strategies to the year working toward meeting the Crown Chapter criterion of donation to the ZTA Foundation ($300/year or $600/biannually)
VP Membership:
- Ensure the chapter recruits and maintains membership of at least 10 alumnae
- In partnership with the Executive Committee, develop a recruitment and retention plan, including goals and strategies, for the year
- In partnership with the VP Programming, plan at least one recruitment event early in the year (e.g., a kick-off event)
- Promote attendance at all events by inviting members and partnering with the VP Communications to promote events on social media and through email
- Lead recruitment events by introducing potential members to dues-paying members, making connections, providing information about member benefits and how to join, and following up to thank everyone for attending
VP Finance:
- Collect dues and fundraising money throughout the year
- Create an annual budget and maintain financial records (receipts must be preserved for seven years)
- Submit names of dues-paying members in Zetabase via the Select Dues Paying Members Form and send a check for Operating Fees ($18.00 per member) payable to ZTA Fraternity to International Office by November 1 and March 1
- The Remittance Advice Form must accompany the check
- Send check for Second Century Fund ($2.00 per member), payable to the ZTA Foundation by November 1 and March 1
- The Remittance Advice Form must accompany the check
- End a completed Alumnae Tax Information Report and Authorization Form for the previous fiscal year to International Office by September 15. Io sends this form to the VP Finance. Copy your District President upon emailing the completed Alumnae Tax Information Report and Authorization Form back to IO
- In partnership with the President, ensure the chapter remains in good financial standing and complies with federal tax exemption requirements
- Reimburse chapter officers and members as appropriate when (approved) chapter
VP Communications:
- Take pictures at all chapter events and gatherings
- Take minutes at Executive Committee meetings
- Maintain the chapter’s social media platforms by sharing photos and updates about the Fraternity, chapter, and individual members
- In partnership with the VP Programming, promote all events on social media and through email
- Submit the Themis Chapter News Report via the provided online form by November 1 and May 1. Download a copy and email it to your District President
- Create and send newsletters to the chapter to update members about chapter events
- Maintain the chapter’s website on OmegaOne
- Submit the Officer List Approval Form in Zetabase immediately following elections or by May 15 of the current fiscal year, whichever occurs first, to confirm you have verified your officer list at least once per year.
- If you have officer changers after you have submitted the Officer List Approval Form, update your officer list immediately using the Update Officer List Form in Zetabase